01/03/2025 Weekly Community News

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, may the peace of the Lord be upon every family. Here comes the weekly community news. If you spot any error or mistake, please advise for amendment. If there is any news in your group, please write using the Weekly Community News format and send to CCCB Communications in WhatsApp or email to sacredheart@cccbrisbane.org.au by Friday each week. We will filter the information and announce in the Weekly News for you.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation: To provide more opportunities for receiving sacrament of reconciliation, Emmanuel group arranged with Fr. John for regular reconciliation time. Starting from 16 February 2025, Fr. John will be in his office, next to the Center entrance glass door, 9:30-10:00am every 2nd and 4th Sunday ready for brothers and sisters in Lord to approach him for sacrament of reconciliation. Advance notice will be given if there is any change. The church encourages all Catholics to receive sacrament of reconciliation often, especially in this Jubilee year for the benefits of our own souls and those in purgatory.
- Sacred Heart Choir welcomes you to join and sing hymns together. Practice time: Every Tuesday at 7:30 PM. If you have a passion for singing, we welcome you to join us! Please contact Teresa Chan or come directly to the Tuesday practice.
- Maintenance of Sacred Heart Centre: Sacred Heart Centre often requires various types of maintenance. If you are quite handy with good maintenance skills, you are welcome to register with Paul Chu. You may assist with various maintenance work, both inside and outside of Sacred Heart Centre, either as a volunteer or for a fee. We also need licenced electricians and plumbers to join our Sacred Heart Centre maintenance team. You can register by sending a text message to 0401 578189. Thank you and we do need your help.
- Main Message: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Yr C)
Date/Time: Sunday 2nd March 2025 10:30am
Venue: Sacred Heart Centre 80 Nemies Rd, Runcorn
Details: This coming Sunday, 2nd March 2025, is the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The mass will be celebrated in English. It is actual a mas organised by our Children and Youth. (Chinese and English are available on projector). Please support our and pray for our children and youth. Before mass end, Fr. John will offer blessing to our birthday stars of March. Come forward to receive the blessings. Please arrive by 9:45 am to help set up chairs for the Mass. For collection via internet banking: Bank Details: BSB: 064786 A/C Number: 100026425 A/C Name: Chinese Catholic Community Brisbane. (Note as “Offertory”).
- Main Message: Ash Wednesday
Date/Time: 05/03/2025 Wednesday 7:00pm
Venue: 80 Nemies Rd, Runcorn
Details: 5th March is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. Please observe fasting and abstinence as a way to embark on the path of conversion and to combat sin through the means of repentance and penance. The evening liturgy will be held at 7pm, during which ashes will be distributed. Everyone is invited to remember not to be bound by the material world, as it will eventually fade away. Only in God can one truly find oneself and discover the meaning of one’s existence.
- Main message : Lent Retreat
Date/Time: 30/03/2025 Sunday 1 – 6pm
Venue: 80 Nemies Rd, Runcorn
Details: Enrolment for Lent Retreat is now opened. Theme of this year’s retreat is Pilgrim of Hope. Retreat content includes: Spiritual talk, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, personal spiritual practice, lectio divina, short prayers, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Eucharistic Benediction. Conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin, with simultaneous interpretation available. After the event, there will be a dinner together, and participation is optional. Please sign up by March 24 using this link https://shorturl.at/rDQj6 to fill out the form for group division and dinner reservation arrangements. For inquiries or assistance with registration, you can contact Sr. Rose, Gigi, or Denise.
- Main Message: Weekly Spiritual and Social Activities
- Divine Mercy Prayer on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/91439533519?pwd=enZHVGNrWjV1NVJTbVZMN3VvY1kyZz09 Meeting ID: 914 3953 3519 Passcode: 635138.
Come and join our Divine Mercy Prayer meeting every afternoon! You Are Not Alone. You are welcome to send your prayer to us via the following link and we will pray for your intention. Prayer request Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1c3xfT1wSc3lalPJQgj7PVlqFJAXAgdy2FkuAUl594tw/edit
Daily Routine: 2:45pm On Zoom to begin; 2:50pm Intercession; 3:00-3:02pm Calvary Hour of Mercy 3 O’Clock Prayer then~ Divine Mercy Chaplet. For more information, please contact Lucia Loi.
- Tai Chi Class – No Tai Chi class on 9th December 2024.
- Weekday mass – Next weekday mass will be on Saturday 1st March 2025 at 8am.
- Choir Practice – Tuesday 7:30pm
- Cantonese Rosary – 1st Saturday of each month from 3:30pm. Please bring a plate for sharing dinner after the gathering.
- Mandarin Rosary – 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:30am.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation – 2nd and 4th Sunday from 9:30am to 10:00am.
- Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Safeguarding Requirements for Volunteers in All Parish Communities in Brisbane Archdiocese
All volunteers in parish communities must clearly understand their fundamental responsibility to show love and ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults. This means complying with the requirements of the Brisbane Archdiocese, which include: Holding a valid Blue Card (for working with children); Obtaining a Police Check; Signing the Code of Conduct Documents; Completing Online Training
For more details, please contact your team leaders or Paul Chu to understand the specific requirements for your volunteer work.
Protecting children and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of every parishioner. Jesus Christ has entrusted this mission to His Church—to care for and protect children and vulnerable individuals.
Let us work together to ensure our communities comply with the Archdiocese’s regulations.
Thank you for your support. May the peace of Lord be with you.
This weekly news will be available by each Sunday on our CCCB website: https://www.english.cccbrisbane.org.au/weekly-news/