Youth ministry at the Chinese Catholic Community began a few years ago by a number of young people who gather each week to share inspirations from the Scriptures. Step by step, as the spiritual foundation is established, a youth community is born. While the focus remains on Jesus and on spiritual development centered around the bible study, it is inevitable that when youths gather, exciting and fun activities will emerge.
World Youth Day 2008 was a catalyst for our community. Around 40 youths from the Chinese community spent a week on a pilgrimage together, as we journey together towards a deepening of faith, strengthening of our friendship and development of a youth community. Upon returning from WYD, many youths were inspired to take a more active role in youth ministry, and the next big event on our calendar was our first youth camp.
It was a blessing where many who went to WYD were able to share their inspirations to love and serve and be a witness to their faith, through serving in the preparation of the youth camp. In the end, 54 attended our camp and it was truly a memorable and awesome experience for all.
The Chinese Catholic youth community in Brisbane is slowly growing. And we would like to share our experiences, inspirations and journey with you on this website. (It also acts as a very good mode of communication and announcements). It is like us having eaten some really awesome food at a restaurant, it is very natural that we would tell all our friends about it. Tell them to try it out and have a taste. Whether they like it or not, it is worth spreading the good news. We have tasted how awesome it is to have faith and to be in a community with companions on the journey, and we are drawn to share this great spiritual food with all of you.
May God bless you and all your loved ones, and please come and join us in our many activities and craziness, as we live as Christ’s witnesses to the ends of the earth.
Join us as we receive the power of the Holy Spirit and make this world a better one for God’s people.
Deo gratias. In His most precious name we pray.
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